Ryan Lu
Player Status: Amateur
Why I play with Cabsoft: I choose to play with CabSoft because it enables me to play at my best. The confidence I feel when I put the glove on is special because I appreciate the craftsmanship put into it.
About: I’m from San Leandro where my home course is at Monarch Bay. I started playing golf the summer of 2014. Four years later I was given the opportunity to play in college at Holy Names University. My dream is to play professionally in the future.
Strongest part of your game: My mentality
Favorite club in the bag: 58 wedge
Lowest score recorded: 64 @ Monarch Bay Golf Club
Favorite golf course: Greenhorn Creek Resort
Course I hope to play one day: Pebble Beach Golf Course
Favorite snack to eat on the course: Hennessy and beef jerky
Favorite golfer: John Daly
Dream 4 some: Myself, Tiger Woods, John Daly, and Donald Trump.